Monthly Archive: March 2017
—by Ruth Hubbard, Wycliffe Bible Translators God speaks to us through His Word. It’s a love letter and a life guide; a collection of spectacular stories, mysterious prophecies, and delightful poetry—all of it pointing to Him. Think about all the ways that God has wowed and wooed you through the Bible. Now imagine your life without the Word or its impact. Dismal? Discouraging? Disconnected, perhaps? …
Instead of taking responsibility for their own mistakes, children readily shift blame. How do we teach kids to admit their faults and humbly apologize? Dr. Scott Turansky, co-founder of National Center for Biblical Parenting, offers these insights. It’s not my fault! Isn’t it amazing that some children seem to be able to see every factor that went into their current problem except their own …
Discipleship Truth: God has given parents primary responsibility for the spiritual training of their children. But few dads and moms know where to begin. Proverbs 1:7 provides the answer: start by teaching kids to fear the Lord. To know God, students must establish a healthy respect for Him. That’s the foundation stone for training children. Until kids genuinely respect and fear God, they cannot learn …