One on One Discipleship, A Thing of the Past?

Many surveys have shown that the single most effective factor in keeping a child faithful to the Christian Faith throughout their life is for a single adult Christian to intentionally show an interest in their spiritual development and intentionally disciple them. it was not the size of the church, the curriculum or even the devotedness of parents that kept kids in the Church according to these studies – but a non-related adult who spent time with them discussing spiritual thing. (aka discipleship) And yet, one on one discipleship seems to be the missing ministry in most children’s ministries today.

Ironic, if it is actually the THE most effective ministry long term!

This is why my wife and I wrote a one on one discipleship tool that Discipleland eventually published as Awesone Adventure. (You should see the original, Shine Through Me, it was called.)

Discipling children one on one is the single most effective way to prepare children for a life of living for Christ – and yet it seems to be a lost art. Yet, it is exactly the strategy Jesus employed when He was here! He poured His limited time into twelve men and look what they did! They turned the world upside down!

Many of the kids I discipled one on one in my ministry are now in Bible college or in the ministry, and those that aren’t will certainly turn out to be awesome volunteers and leaders in their homes.

Do you disciple kids one on one yourself? Does your ministry? If not, why not?

P.S. One of these boys is now a student at Moody Bible Institute in training for ministry.

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One Response

  1. vila Cheile Dambovicioarei May 21, 2014