Meet Chuck: CFO for DiscipleLand

This post is my first for DiscipleLand. I am fortunate to be both the accountant (CFO) for DiscipleLand and one of the people who gets to answer the phone.  This customer service aspect of the job is a good way for me to stay in tune with our customers and our products.  In fact many of the top business consulting gurus recommend the practice of having senior management answer customer calls.  It is a very good policy.  If your company doesn’t do it, you are missing out on some vital business intelligence and exposure to the real front lines of your business for management.

My business background is as an accountant for two very large companies, Gulf+Western and McDonnell Douglas in southern California.  In 1993 I moved my family to Fort Collins and became a Colorado CPA.  I worked in public accounting for seven years and started here at DL in 2001 about two weeks before 9/11.  I received an AA in business from Orange Coast College then a BS from California State University, Long Beach and finally my MBA from Pepperdine University.  McDonnell Douglas was kind enough to pay for the MBA.  I also have been a part time (Adjunct) Faculty member at Regis University, Colorado Christian University and Front Range Community College for about 15 years.  Learning is a passion of mine and teaching is the best way to learn.  I have taught about 70 different Accounting, Finance, Math and Statistics classes during these 15 years.

I have been blessed with opportunities to live in many great places including being born in New York City, growing up in Fort Lauderdale and living many years in Orange County, CA and a year in Arkansas at Harding University.  But my wife and 3 kids love it here in Fort Collins.  We have adapted to the cold and dry climate and I doubt we could find a better place to live.  We now have 2 graduates of Fort Collins High and one more to go.

If you have any questions about DiscipleLand, I would be happy to help find the answer for you. I’m looking forward to participating on this blog and providing perhaps a unique look at discipleship from the perspective of an accountant and employee of DiscipleLand.

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One Response

  1. Andy Robinson November 4, 2009