Discipleship Throwback

Image Source: BevReview.com

Pepsi is currently offering two “new” versions of it’s two most popular drinks, Pepsi-Cola and Mountain Dew, with the tag line of “throwback” alluding to the fact that each contains, for a limited time only, real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup; a “throwback” to when they used to be made with real sugar.

I wonder what Discipleship Throwback would look like?

What if individuals and churches decided to do a “throwback” to how discipleship was once done. How different would it look? How much more effective might it be? What if nothing electronic was used? What if an actual copy of the Bible were used? What if two people met one-on-one to talk about spiritual things?

What if Discipleship Throwback was actually better? What do you think?

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