Comments on: T-I-M-E: Every kid’s love language. (part 1) Thoughts on discipling kids today. Thu, 26 Oct 2023 17:46:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:14:13 +0000 We have a Kid Konnection time (about 3-5 minutes) built into our program for small group leaders to check in with their kids about their week and just chat. There’re also activities as kids come in, so this would be a time when kids can talk one on one if they want to.

I’ve also been doing a Talk to Me! segment each week that I love. Kids can write out questions, comments or prayer requests each week. I got this one this week, “Why did God create Satan?” (should be fun :). They talk to me and I think through the week and come up with a little powerpoint to talk back using the Bible. I got the Talk to Us! card idea from the Empowering Kids weekend curriculum Rock Solid that we did last summer. I just decided to insert the segment into our Sunday program.

By: kbastian Mon, 12 May 2008 19:55:09 +0000 These are EXCELLENT questions! Too quickly ministry can become about maintaining our programs and we can have no room left for the PEOPLE we designed the programs to help. Making TIME every week to touch children’s lives is SOOOO important!
