Kids Need Work (#3 of 48)

Continuing the series on What Kids Need that an intentional discipler will address. When you consider the many aspects of a child’s development, it can become overwhelming. Let me suggest you focus on one at a time. Perhaps even this week you can find a way to focus on the fact that Kids Need Work.

The Situation: Children ask, “Why work so hard?“ Some kids question the value of hard work. Many adopt the attitude that work should be avoided as something evil. Peers make fun of students who put forth their best efforts. They ridicule or trivialize exceptional performances.

The Solution: From the very beginning, God gave Adam a job—to cultivate the Garden (Genesis 2:15). Work is a gift from God and can be a source of satisfaction and joy. God gives skills to each person and wants us to develop those abilities to serve Him and others. God created work; He blesses those who show diligence in their work.

The Scripture: Ecclesiastes 2:24-25; Colossians 3:23-24

The Suggestions: Maintain a positive attitude about work. Help children view work as a divinely appointed task for God’s eternal glory (Revelation 14:13). As you assign chores and give children responsibilities, encourage them to work hard. Work is honorable. Almost nothing of lasting value comes easy or free.

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  1. Karl Bastian April 7, 2008
  2. jen April 8, 2008